If you want to buy the application with a credit card, you can buy it from the Google Play Store. If you are having trouble paying in the Google Play Store, please message us. We can give another link where you can pay by credit card or third-party payment options like Bitcoin, Western Union, Skrill, AirTM, Yellow Card, Mobile Transfers etc.
Please contact us for Western Union information
After transfer, it is sufficient to send the transfer document to us.
Skrill E-Mail : request
Bitcoin Adress: request
Contact us after you pay. BetScored team will send you a promo code after checking the payment. With this promotional code, you will be able to download the application for free.
If you buy the application from playstore the subscription is valid for 1 month, after that your subscription will be null and will require you to purchase again. Contact us for special monthly or annual packages.
You can reach us from the links below.